Patient Centered Care puts the needs of patients first, in order to help them to achieve their health goals. This philosophy is practiced regularly by Desert Ridge Family Physicians. Some notable examples include:
Same day/next 2 days appointments so that patients are always able to see their physician when needed.
Dedicated primary care providers (PCPs) who make every attempt to have each patient see their own PCP. In fact at Desert Ridge Family Physicians over 90 percent of our appointments are with a patient’s PCP. In the event that a particular physician is not available due to illness or vacation, another one of our physicians will be available.
Secure email allows a convenient way for patients to stay in touch with their physicians and the medical staff. Our physicians appreciate updates in the health of our patients, and offer assistance to help maneuver the complicated medical landscape.
At Desert Ridge Family Physicians, we typically run on time and make every effort to ensure that we are ready to see you at or near your appointment time. Occasionally there are circumstances that are beyond our control which delay us, but we have constructed our system and workflow to make your time in our office as productive and useful as possible.
These are but a few of the ways that Desert Ridge Family Physicians has put the patient in the center of our processes, workflows, and priorities. When we provide care that is comprehensive and convenient, we are more successful at achieving better outcomes and improved health for our patients.